HAI Agrochemicals

Logo design

HAI Agrochemical is a brand name in the agricultural sector, specializing in providing high quality products, analysis and various support services. Satisfying the benefits and efficiency of agricultural products is the premium porcelain that the brand is aiming for.

HAI is a brand in the agricultural sector, specializing in providing high quality products, distribution and support services. Satisfying the benefits and efficiency of agricultural products is the premium porcelain that the brand is aiming for.


The core core value of the brand is to save the media value but the time development by the modernization trend. “The logo has been used for many years. It feels inconsistent with the future development direction” – said business owner Quach Thanh Dong.

Therefore, HAI PHARMACEUTICAL wants to change the old logo design to refresh the brand image in line with the development trend of modern society. p>

Solution overview

With the development based on the logo idea, bringing a little creative direction in a modern style, Sao Kim brings satisfaction to the brand owner Nong Duoc Hai with a new logo design, with the contract on the whole agricultural brand identity system.

Sao Kim’s overall solution includes all logo design, brand identity design, advertising design and brand application on marketing ads. .




Logo design


Ha Noi