Paul Rand


The list of famous logos that designer Paul Rand has created is sure to rank as one of the most impressive logos you’ll find. Known as one of the founders of the Swiss graphic design style, Paul Rand is the person behind the world-famous logos such as IBM, UPS, ABC, the Yale University logo, …

The list of famous logos that designer Paul Rand has created is sure to rank as one of the most impressive logos you’ll find. Known as one of the founders of the Swiss graphic design style, Paul Rand is the person behind the world-famous logos such as IBM, UPS, ABC, the Yale University logo, …
In 1972, Rand was named into the New York Art Club Hall of Fame after teaching design at Yale University for most of his life. Rand passed away in November 1996, but his contributions to the world of design are sure to continue. His branding logo is definitely one of his strong traits.