Principles of creating a brand story “touches” the hearts of customers

If you want to build a successful, sustainable business or a brand that will attract and gain loyalty from your customers, then brand story is essential. That’s why global famous brands like Disney, Coca-Cola, Apple, … have their own legendary brand stories . .

To help you build your brand successfully from stories that “touch” the hearts of customers, Marketing AI will share all your knowledge and experience about how to build a love story. the most attractive and attractive brand. Please welcome to read through the article below.

Brand story – Power to create trust with customers row

First, we need to know stories are a powerful tool in human communication. Research has shown that the human brain responds to the descriptive power of stories profoundly influences the way, even sensory and motor cortex effects. Reading a story is feeling an experience and synchronizing our minds with the subject of the story.

When the speaker and audience share the same story that allows brands to interact and generate brand discussions.

Brand Story, also known as Brand Story, brings thinking beyond the utility and functionality of products and services, striving for loyalty and meaning with your customers. . If famous brand stories create their own mark and a genuine, close, good impression, it will help build trust with customers.

Steps to building brand stories to attract customers 

It is not easy to create a good brand story that attracts, captivates and impresses customers from the first video or letter. The art of branding requires businesses to know how to integrate messages skillfully and handle story details appropriately. Here are the two most important requirements when businesses build any good branding stories!

Focus on highlighting the knots

Whether it’s a regular story or a brand story, if you want to be appealing to the reader, the viewer needs to contain knots that redirect the story and surprise the audience. . A simple, bland story, even though there are full 3 openings – body – ending, it does not leave anything in the hearts of viewers.

The bottleneck helps the story become dramatic, climax and touches the hearts of many readers, thereby provoking emotions and promoting better action. Placing the knots in the story must also be subtle and logical, and remember, it has the effect of turning the entire direction inherent in the previous story. The way to tell a brand story can have one or a few knots, but there should be only 1 main knot and different sub-knots. Arrange them at the logical stages of the story so that it guides the audience through each of the most expensive brand story moments.

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Comes with knots are always the solutions to solving those bottlenecks, and this is also the time when brands can plug in their product and service messages.

Like Viettel Telecom’s advertisement below. The climax here is when Lien Binh Phat forgets his promise to his friends and especially his mother. Like a drop of water overflowing the glass, the viewers’ emotions are pushed to the highest level. And then when it seemed that he would not return to eat with his family, Lien Binh Phat suddenly appeared with a bouquet of flowers dedicated to his mother and sister.

Throughout the promotional video, Viettel Telecom’s meaningful message was conveyed meaningfully and deeply to the audience. How to solve the problem and overcome the challenge, the emotional tension also took away many tears of the audience, suitable for an advertising campaign on Mother’s Day.

Principles of creating brand story “touch “To the hearts of customers

Not any story will do to create trust with customers. You must tell a product story that creates a subtle “touch” match, plus features that showcase features that build integrity. Here are the principles that you should use to create a brand story that will build trust with your customers.g.


Principle of storytelling creates trust with customers . (Photo: Audience bloom)

Brand story must be built based on the brand personality

Brand stories are not about selling. They are not advertising and they are not for sale. The meaning of the brand story should be told with the brand personality. Boring stories will not attract and retain readers and, conversely, stories full of personality can attract attention and make a good impression on customers.

The brand story color should be inspired by the business itself, in which the participation, creation, connection, and brand development involved in growth and success is present.

Personality drives the story. But the story is not an individual’s biography. That is the formation, inspiration and development of a brand with its own personality. The core reason your story should be personal is that it will give someone truths to trust in the brand.

Simplicity makes true value How to write a brand story does not mean you will write in a way that completely describes the origin of the company. What you need to point out needs to address the following 3 parts:

  • Start: Problem. Explain the problem you have set up to solve.
  • Middle: Solution. Describe how you can deal with it.
  • End: Success. Get excited about this success produced.

Simple stories are more believable than complicated and overly lengthy ones.

Brand story that explains the mission of the business 

Every business when doing business is interested in profit. But “making money” only brings profit to the business. Your brand needs to define what your business’s mission is and why it exists. It is also the answer to the question of what brand value will bring to customers and society.

A brand like TOMS shoes uses their story as a foundation for survival. TOMs’s motto is: “One for one” translates to “One for one,” which means for every pair of purchased TOMS, wear shoes for one person in need. TOMS exists to improve lives.

How to write TOMS shoe fashion brand story

Their product story describes the whole reason for the company’s existence. That builds trust with customers because they know your company’s goals.

Another example is TH True Milk’s branding story building. TH True Milk brand entered Vietnam at a time when many dairy firms had a name and a foothold.


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