What is the difference between the “word” era and the “number” era?

We are more and more inclined to watch and listen to advertisements on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Google rather than reading leaflets, listening to advertisements on TV or radio. That is the most obvious difference between these two types of creativity in customer behavior.

The breakthroughs digital advertising brings

The explosion of digital has created big changes in media and advertising creation. From the words in newspapers, on print-ad, and images on billboards, we now have a multitude of advertising formats on websites, on social media and other digital platforms. Besides the beauty of words, ideas, advertising today is also influenced by “digital” tactics.


Who do you run the ad to? Advertise for which audience? Obtain results like? All have been specifically planned for each campaign. To do that, the customer portraits including information such as age, hometown, expertise, interests, behavior… are carefully delineated.

If in traditional advertising, brands only measure the level of brand awareness at a relative, even low and unclear level, now everything can be statistically and specifically analyzed. output “and” input “. For example, if advertising on printed newspapers, brands can only get results based on reports on the number of readers buying newspapers. Not to mention that the fact that not all readers who buy newspapers will also have access to the right advertising information.

In contrast, the digital environment is highly detailed about Social Media Engagement , Traffic from Social Media (traffic from social networks). page), Conversion Rate From Media (social conversion rate).


Digital platform recorded many outstanding channels such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok … and E-commerce channels (Tiki, Shopee, Lazada ..). A customer can own all the channels they want. Each channel is an opportunity for brands to reach, only users will have the opportunity to advertise. In addition, each channel also has a separate lead file that makes it easier for ads to reach their goals.

Each format usually only has different technical requirements, usually brands may use the material many times. Generali’s advertising film is an example, the brand can be used on multiple platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Website. With such great coverage, Generali earned himself a Gold Award for the category “Brand Identity” at the MMA Smarties Awards 2020, honoring achievements in the field of marketing.

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